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by some Advisory Board Members |
I have
known John Williams as a dear friend and fellow laborer in the ministry of the
Lord for many years. Through my association with him, I have found him to be a
man of vision, faith, integrity, wisdom and depth. He is also a man of great
generosity and compassion. Dr. Williams has a great love for the Lord and His
people. He is an anointed teacher of the Word and has the inspired ability to
make profound truths simple. Through the ministry of IICM, he has impacted
pastors and leaders throughout the world and especially in India, equipping and
training them to be more effective and competent ministers of the Lord. Dr.
Williams' passion for the harvest of souls is reflected in his global vision and
mission- and his international ministry around the world. His crusades in many
parts of India have brought many to saving faith in Jesus Christ confirmed by
many miraculous healings. This ministry has brought revival and refreshing to
many downtrodden and discouraged. Many have been greatly encouraged to go forth
in greater power and anointing of the Holy Spirit. In spite of his busy
schedule, Dr. John Williams, both founder and senior pastor of International
Faith Christian Church, Tambaram, also runs an orphanage, a Christian library
and a Christian school. He also has the vision of a full time Bible School. It
is a privilege to network with Dr. John Williams and be a co-laborer with him
for the sake of the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. |
It is
indeed an honor to participate in your 20th year anniversary convention in
Chennai, India this November. It will be a great time of celebration and
rejoicing! It is also a joy to be able to write a letter of thanksgiving to God
for the privilege of being a co-laborer with you these last four years. I have
watched the vision that was written down and put up on the wall of your humble
beginnings in India, the thatched roof church and now the vision is a living
reality. The advances you have made in equipping leaders for the work of the
ministry is astounding. I remember this vision you had to reach throughout India
with the correspondence course and last November we had representatives from
most every State in India. Truly it was a historical meeting with
representatives all the way from northern India! Through the years, I have
watched you take small amounts of money and get incredible mileage out of it for
the gospel. From hardly any staff to multiple staff members. From no equipment
to an office that operates effectively and powerfully. I praise the Lord that I
have been able to witness God's grace in your life and ministry! I pray God will
give you many more years and multiply your work in the lives of young Timothys.
Truly it is just the beginning. Co-laborers together. |
Dear Dr.
John: |
brother John: |
It has
been a privilege and pleasure to have known you and met you there in France and
for the short period you were able to minister in our churches in and around
Paris. Although I had heard of your activities in New York related to the
Institute of Church Management, it was not until I personally met you here in
Paris that I realized the ampleur of your ministry to the Body of Christ. And
now the project you have started in India has given your work and International
status and an 'Oasis' where thousands of Christian workers, Pastors and Leaders
could find Renewal in their personal life, Refreshment in their ministry and
Recapture their vision which many have unfortunately lost or are losing
gradually. I take this opportunity to wish God's richest blessings on you and on
this great venture you are doing to extend the Kingdom of God and to prepare His
body for the soon return of our Lord Jesus Christ. |
rejoice with you on this special occasion, the 20th Anniversary of your
Ministry. Praise the Lord! Seven years ago, the Lord opened the doors of
opportunity for me to Know Dr. John Williams personally. In him, I found a
servant, a tireless worker, a friend, a teacher and a man totally sold out for
Jesus. His humility, wisdom and total dedication has also been instrumental in
bringing me to this place of ministry of God. His desire to reach the lost for
the Kingdom of God is evident in every aspect of his ministry. His institute has
blessed thousands of students and this includes pastors, church leaders and lay
workers not only in India but other parts of the world too. As you celebrate the
20th Anniversary, we the pastors, leaders and members of the Sabah Interior
Missions rejoice with all of you as your remember God's faithfulness and all of
His beautiful blessings. |
It gives
me immense pleasure to write a few words about Dr. John Williams who is closely
associated with me and my ministry. Dr. John Williams has been spreading the
love of Christ throughout the world through various programs for more than two
decades. The salient feature of his ministry is that he does not stop with
preaching the gospel but he trains up hundreds of people every year to carry the
love of Christ to all parts of the world. It is my sincere prayer that our
gracious Lord should be with him, guide him and make all his endeavors a great
success according to the following scripture verse: |
A few decades ago there
was a very popular and appreciated drama called "A Man For All Seasons". This
play had to do with royalty and the Church in England. As I was thinking of Dr.
John Williams, the kind of a man he is, that title came to me as a description
of Dr. Williams. Whenever we have approached Dr. Williams, inviting him to
participate in a conference or training or celebration, he has been right ready
to join hands, if available and to share with us on all occasions (seasons). Dr.
Williams is prepared to teach and preach at a moment's notice in order to
further equip those who are before him, depositing in them the Word of God and
the wisdom he has gained through his years of teaching at Rhode Island
University and through his ministry outreach around the world. This
spirit-filled man of God certainly has a wealth of knowledge that is so
pragmatic and is directed to the lay person walking on the streets of our
cities. The desires and goals which he has for his God-given ministries are in
line with God's Word, the Bible. His ministry follows the mandate given to those
who follow Jesus, - teach, preach and heal in the name of our Lord, Jesus
Christ. Obedience to the mind and will of the Lord has been the watch word of
the ministry of International Institute of Church Management, under the guidance
and direction of Dr. John Williams. We all need to be men and women for all
seasons to the glory of God-Amen |
We have known Dr. John
Williams since April 1997, when he chose to affiliate the long-standing ministry
of the International Institute of Church Management with the CFN Association of
Bible Schools. The Institute is a covering ministry in its own right, giving
leadership to hundreds of churches, church groups and Bible schools. It is an
honor for the CFN Association of Bible schools to have this ministry in our
Association. His correspondence courses sharpen the ministerial and managerial
skills of those already in ministry, while his International Bible School
prepares others for the great task of bringing in the end-time harvest. Dr.
Williams has all along maintained a high standard in completing the stringent
application procedures. His personal ministry has spanned several continents and
directly benefited hundreds, if not thousands, of churches and church leaders.
The Institute is the important hub of the substantial ministry of Dr. Williams,
which includes the Williams Christian Library (established 1979, in honor of his
late Father, a medical missionary to Indonesia), International Faith Christian
Church and the Devaprasad Children's Home Orphanage. The list of Dr. Williams'
vision turned into reality within 20 years is impressive. His teaching ministry
is heard annually in scores of nations, through Crusades, Leaders Conferences,
Gospel meetings, and Seminars for Pastors and other Christian Leaders. As a
well-educated man, Dr. Williams shows a remarkable, well-balanced approach to
life and ministry. He has written more than 20 books in English and Tamil, and
publishes a monthly magazine to minister to its wide circle of readers. Having
ordained many pastors for the ministry, Dr. Williams is a true spiritual father
to an untold number of believers around the world. From the Gospel. |
1. I just read the book "Spiritual Growth". It is very simple in style, but abundant in theology. The presentation of the subject matter is crystal clear and superb. |
2. All of your teaching materials are very useful to me and of a great blessing. |
3. Your courses are really helpful to me in the ministry and in gaining Bible knowledge. It challenges me to be a practical Christian in many areas of life. |
4. I would like to tell you with deep gratitude that the courses that you are offering through your institute is to my delight and taste. It has already begun to help and inspire me. I strongly believe that this Lord's doing. |
5. The days I spent in Tambaram Conference and with you in person was so a great provision of opportunity arranged and appointed of God. |
6. In your book, "Spiritual Growth" you have brought out the insights and mystery of spiritual growth for the average Christian to understand. It was powerfully enlightening and practically educative. |
7. Thank you for enlightening my eyes and convincing me to do the ministry of God. |
8. Memories of your conference go a long way. I am grateful to your ministry of encouraging the Lord's servants and equipping them with spiritual insight and strength. |
9. Your books are like precepts and a real life handbook for every minister of God. |
10. Your books in your course are very helpful not only to my daily life but even to my preaching ministry. They are valuable teaching aids. |
11. Through your course materials I have grown spiritually with more biblical knowledge. |
12. Your program is unique, useful and fruitful to me as well as practical to my ministry. |
13. I am really enjoying this program of yours and I am learning a lot of new things for my ministry. |
14. I am very lucky to be one of your Correspondence Course students. While I studied theology for over 8 years, I did not profit much. Now when I open the course lessons, it inspires my spirit and soul. |
15. I am happy to be a student of IICM as I am learning so many spiritual things in a simple way. God leads me with His spirit with the help of your study materials. |
16. IICM is a good organization and so many believers and pastors are growing spiritually through your conferences and meetings. |
17. IICM is a holy home for my spiritual studies. It is an encouraging center to grow spiritually in life. |
18. IICM helps me grow spiritually, become Christ-like and discover and fulfill God's will. Drawing much from the anointing of the Holy Spirit, Dr. Williams answers all my questions about "Anointing" and also offers tools to help me apply God's power in my personal life. What I am learning in discipleship training, I hope that I will never forget. I find myself reading the course materials over and over again. |
19. As an IICM student, I would like to appreciate the sincere and sacrificial service in training students all over the world to be true servants of God and faithful stewards and disciples of Jesus Christ. The books and teaching of Dr. Williams are special and spiritual treasures for me. obeying the practical and personal experience teaching of Dr. Williams have helped me in such a way that my life, ministry, health and wealth is growing rapidly by His grace and mercy. |
20. This institute has excellent courses in Church Management. The International Pastors and Leaders Conferences are not like any other conference. The speakers are committed and dynamic. |
21. IICM is the best institute in India to learn to discover the truth and God's plan |
22. IICM follows the full gospel truth and lays emphasis on the importance of the anointing of the Holy Spirit which is the need in these last days. IICM teaches many practical and useful points in running a Christian Organization. The unique qualifications enable him to be a guiding light to many servants of God |
23. IICM is a path finder for those who do not know the way to the truth. |
24. IICM is well known throughout India and the world as it is a ministry that helps equip and motivate pastors and leaders through spiritual growth. The books for the students are simplified for easy reading and retention. |
25. It is a tremendous ministry especially for Pastors and Leaders in teaching them in how to go and spread the Lord's ministry on this earth. |
26. It is a pleasure to be acquainted with Rev. Dr. John Williams who is a distinguished scholar, author, educationist, a prolific writer and much sought after teacher of God's word whose ministry has spanned the globe. Thousands have benefited from his instructions and been helped through the unique Bible Training Course of IICM. He is indeed making an impact in the nations and he is a man of integrity and character. He is very well respected among key Leadership in Asia and the World. In spite of his accomplishments in so many areas, Dr. John Williams is a Humble man a man you can relate to as a dear friend who exemplifies His master and Lord Jesus Christ. We highly recommend His ministry which is on the cutting edge and impacting the nations. We pray for God's continual blessings as you share in the man's ministry. |
27. I am very happy that God is with you and is blessing you in a big way and using you as His powerful instrument to reach many people with the Good News. May God bless you and keep you and make you a blessing to many people in our country and outside. |
28. Thanks for sending your article titled "Love Your Neighbor as Yourself." I enjoyed it a lot and I encourage you to continue to send me other articles also. I will talk about your institute to my friends. |
29. I have greatly enjoyed the course materials. They are awesome. I do not have the words to express its goodness. The lessons are sweet to the spirit, awakening and edifying. I have never come across anything like this before. |
30. Dr. Williams, I really loved your sermon on love, which was circulated in a private email digest from a community called "Jesus is Lord of my Life". May I have your permission to post that sermon on my website as a sample of available IICM services? |
31. Sir, for the past 3 years and more, I read Bible everyday. But only after studying your course materials/literature, I am astonished that, so many things are hidden in the Bible, which I could not make out for the past 3 years and over. Really the course materials and books were very useful for me to understand and meditate the word of God. |
32. D.Min is not only a study for me but a regular experience which is helping me in spiritual growth. I will always remain thankful for incorporating such Christian spirit in me, which is helping me till now in Spiritual Growth. |
33. Simple, useful, truths to set free, helpful in ministry to get trained and also to train others. |
34. The program was really a blessing to my ministry. The presentation of each topic was simple. Therefore it is easy to remember. |
35. IICM correspondence course is very helpful in my ministry because books are giving full knowledge and has improved my spiritual life. I would like to further study the course to reach the un-reached people in Bihar. |
36. At the time of joining the course, I used to read Bible, but could not grasp the inner meaning of the word of God. I was not able to apply the word of God in my practical life. After joining the M.Min. Course, I could live a practical life according to Bible. The course material written by our President was really practical and easy to understand. Then the Research courses work helped me to work on the subjects more than my limitations. |
37. On the whole I was able to apply this course in my practical life through the project work, thus by spreading the Gospel of God. |
38. I thank our President Mr. John Williams in this regard and I pray God for his blessings on him and IICM. |
39. The correspondence course is very useful to me to develop my ministry and improve my spiritual life. It helps me to live by faith. |
40. My knowledge about the word of God has developed very much. Practically speaking in my ministry, I was touched by the books of Dr. John Williams. I would make others also know the word of God in a more easier way through IICM Correspondence Courses. |
41. I enrolled myself to the Doctor of Ministry program. I found the course to be very simple and easy to follow and understand. The simple truths enfolded with clarity. The curriculum is very apt needed for ministry like what I am called to operate in the office of an evangelist. I have already encouraged many upcoming Christian Leaders to follow instructions of this kind, which costs effective too. It’s a honor to have been a fruit in the ministry. It is indeed effective when putting into operation. |
42. This correspondence course is very useful and life oriented, I am privileged to meditate and use the main points in my reaching. I want to serve as a rep of IICM to Tirunelveli. I praise God for the efforts taken by IICM in making Lords people as good disciples. May God bless the new effort of opening IICM Extension Center in Tirunelveli. |
43. The correspondence Courses are good. It gives me practical experience to the
Bible in the following ways: 1. Creates interest to read the Bible with more concentration. 2. Challenges to take up more responsibilities. 3. It gives wisdom to deal with people more effectively with the principles. 4. It made me a new creature with deep desire to practice the Bible in day to day life. 5. The language is simple and the guidance and cooperation of the faculty was good. |
44. After taking up your course of B.Min. in correspondence mode. It helped me in upgrading my knowledge of the Bible truths and above all guides me in assisting my church for winning more souls for Christ. |
45. It is very glad to share my opinions and views about your ministry. Really, you have made easy undergo theological training. You have easy subjects. Chosen by you with simple English, which can be easily understandable sum to non-graduates. It is more advisable and informative. That the subjects chosen and offered by you. The analysis of every topic is so helpful, useful and encouraging the spiritual values. It is the will of God, that your ministry is being spread all over the parts of our country. Even in printing the matter, you have selected big and bold letters, so that even old people can study even without spectacles. |
46. The correspondence courses offered by IICM are very simple and systematic. The important issues dealing with the ministry are discussed very nicely. The dealing of the IICM staff in correspondence is also very impressive. My life and ministry for the past two years have been blessed by IICM’s Correspondence Courses. |
47. The course is excellent, very simple, powerful and Biblical. Though I was preaching for 27 years, I could learn many things & my eyes were enlightened to see new things, and it is useful in the ministry on Bible Studies and gospel meetings. Your course has encouraged me to conduct such studies in my area also. These studies are spiritual too, I could correct my personal life through this. |
48. The correspondence courses of IICM are very excellent and it is very much useful in my life and in our ministry also. Through IICM, God has helped me to complete the course of Doctor of Ministries and I have much encouraged in my spiritual life. |
49. Correspondence Courses of IICM is exegetic, eloquent, exquisite and much informative spiritually, Biblically and quite useful both for graduation and church management. The study material of IICM correspondence courses are helpful in many ways such as in Youth Ministry, Women’s Ministry, Church Administration, and Teaching in Bible Colleges, Preaching Bible, Winning souls for Christ and preparing for His Second Coming. In my ministry the study material are useful to prepare sermons, lessons for Bible College teachings, and for conventions. It has thoroughly edified my spiritual life and helpful in my family altar. |
50. This correspondence course is very helpful to me. It enables me to grow more in the word of God. Very easy to understand the basic truths as well as the foundational truths in a very simple language. I was really enjoying this course, when I was doing my research. I am really saturated with the word of God. It gives me more joy and peace and my mental tension is relieved. Let our lord bless this ministry. My three children are also doing these courses so my house is filled with the word of God. Whenever I turn I can see only IICM Books and Bibles & reference books. I am living in the gold mine or in the Garden of Eden. Totally it changed the whole atmosphere of my house. |
51. It is easy to study languages or subjects because we are brought up to do this all through our early life. But it is a different matter when it comes to studying God’s word, the Holy Bible! People are either afraid, lazy, or have undertaken other courses from other institutes, which have been complicated and boring! |
52. The courses at IICM are 100% Biblical, easy to read, easy to understand and a joy to follow and learn from. It equips the student to use God’s word powerfully and effectively within the church of Jesus Christ, as well as when witnessing to non-Christians. I also found the staff and faculty members very kind, helpful and knowledgeable. They are committed to imparting God’s word to others. |
53. I found the courses were very good. The books, which were written by Rev. John Williams, were very useful for the ministry. |
54. This course is not only a degree course but also a spiritually enlightening course. The research topics gave every deep understanding of Biblical Truths. Because of this I am joining Ph.D. I am fascinated by the syllabi of DD course. I want to join the global ministry of IICM. |
55. I have learned many Biblical truths and practical applications through this study. These courses were simple to learn and to understand. I thank God for this wonderful opportunity to study IICM’s Correspondence courses. |
56. Dear Dr. John Williams, Thank you very much for the very good seminar conducted by you for the pastors and leaders from 15th to 17th March 2002, I attended there with my friends. Really we enjoyed the spirit filled messages on the theme of "All things are Possible to whom that believes". I praise the wonderful name of our God, and I thank you once again. |
57. Sir, I enjoyed doing this course, I also wish to do Ph.D. Doctor of Philosophy course that IICM offers. |
58. What a joy it was to enjoy your fellowship and co-operation. I was truly blessed by the conference. |
59. I had the first experience of attending the Annual All India Pastors & Leaders Conference from March 15 to 17, 2002. On the whole I was impressed, particularly your speeches and the enormous power of the Holy Spirit bestowed. |
60. The Lord did numerous creative miracles and manifested his omnipotent power in your IICM books. The course was very much useful to me in preaching and teaching and receiving blessings from the Lord for the ministry. |
61. I am privileged to be a student of IICM, I am proud to be with IICM. Though the IICM is a correspondence Bible School/College but for me IICM is a regular theology training. As I introduce IICM to many people they appreciate. |
62. It is not just as simple as people recognize it as correspondence course but needs lots of studies and prayers as if I am in a Bible College. I am learning and learnt a lot through this course and I am blessed. I also organize theological training but I feel that IICM has been a backbone for me. |
63. During my ministry trip as a guest speaker in a convention and passion weeks meetings I found that my learning through IICM helped me a lot. I express my gratitude to the founder Dr. John Williams for fulfilling God’s calling. His written books are absolutely practical and excellent. |
64. By the manifold grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, I thank God for this wonderful opportunity to be in touch with Dr. John Williams and IICM. The courses offered by IICM are anointed, simple, balanced, inspiring, motivating, stirring, instructive,life-changing and biblically sound teaching which are undoubtedly much needed for the equipping training and sharpening of every saint and servant of God for Christian Ministry for the 21st century, I irrespective of any Church, Ministry or denomination. Anyone who desired to full Life’s Best in the plans of God must never miss IICM. |
65. Dr. John Williams article was a blessing to me, when I read it. Though it was long, I enjoyed it very much. Kindly send me regularly. God bless you richly. |
66. I would like to express my deep appreciation and gratitude for all help rendered by the IICM regarding the D.Min. Course. The study books supplied for the ‘General Course’ were excellent. Although I am an avid reader of books, the teaching material supplied in these study books, is certainly the best. I learnt many new things, I never knew before. It helped renew my mind as well. I enjoyed doing the course, which was presented in a simple manner that could be very easily be understood. My ardent prayer is that many would do these courses. |
67. Your memories are still afresh in mind, in spite of your departure from
Karunya, physically. That is the kind of indelible mark, you had left behind in
my fertile heart for the 3 main reasons below, besides other factors. |
68. A
Subscriber of Our Daily Meditation writes: |
69. A
Subscriber of Our Daily Meditation writes: |
70. An M.Th.
student writes: |
71. An
Alumni of IICM writes: |
A Subscriber of Our Daily Meditation writes: |
73. A
Subscriber of Our Daily Meditation writes: |
74. A
Subscriber of Our Daily Meditation writes: |
75. A
Principal of a Theology Institute in Kerala, writes: |
76. A
Subscriber of Our Daily Meditation writes: |
77. An M.Th.
student from Hindustan Bible College, Chennai writes: |
78. A
Subscriber of Our Daily Meditation writes: |
79. A
Subscriber of Our Daily Meditation writes: |
80. A
Subscriber of Our Daily Meditation writes: |
81. A
Subscriber of Our Daily Meditation writes: |
82. An
Alumni of IICM writes: |
83. A
subscriber of Daily Meditation: |
84. A
subscriber of Daily Meditation |
85. A Pastor
from Cotonou Rep. of Benin, writes: |
86. A
Subscriber of Daily Meditation: |
87. A
subscriber of Daily Meditation writes: |
88. A
subscriber of Daily Meditation writes: |
89. A
subscriber of Daily Meditation writes: |
90. A
B.Min. Student of IICM |
91. A
subscriber of our Daily Meditation: |
A D.D. student in Libya
writes as follows: |
93. An M.Div.
student in Assam, India, writes as follows: |
A B.Th. student from Nairobi, Kenya writes: |
A D.Min. student in Malaysia, writes: |
An Evangelist, B.D. student Writes: |
A D.D. student writes: |
A Pastor and a student of IICM in Kuwait writes: |
An Alumni of IICM in
South Africa writes: |
An M.Min. Student from Kerala, writes:
A Rep. of IICM in Karnataka writes: |
An Adjunct Faculty of IICM in Myanmar writes: |
A B.Th. student writes: |
An M.Th. Student writes : |
A subscriber of our Daily Meditation writes: |
subscriber of our Daily Meditation writes: |
A subscriber of our Daily Meditation writes: |
A subscriber of our Daily Meditation writes: |
A subscriber of our Daily Meditation writes: |
A subscriber of our Daily Meditation writes: |
An M.Min. Student in Canada writes: |
A subscriber of our Daily Meditation writes: |
A subscriber of our Daily Meditation writes: Thank you for sending me the Daily Meditation. This is awesome. It came on a day I needed it very much. |
A subscriber of our Daily Meditation writes: |
A subscriber of our Daily Meditation writes: |
A subscriber of our Daily Meditation writes: |
A Ph.D. student from Australia writes: |
118. An M.Min. student writes: I am blessed with your Educational Materials. |
A D.Min. student in
Ethiopia writes: |
A Subscriber of Our Daily Meditation writes: |
A subscriber of our Daily Meditation: |
The Principal of a Bible College in Myanmar: |
A M.Div. student from Ethiopia writes: |
A Subscriber of our Daily Meditation writes: |
One of Subscriber of our Internet Anointing Magazine |
One of Subscriber of our Anointing Magazine |
One of Subscriber of our Anointing Magazine |
A Subscriber of Our
Internet Anointing Magazine from Ethiopia writes: |
A Subscriber of Our
Daily Meditation from Malaysia writes: |
131. A D.Min Student
of IICM writes: I just wanted to drop you a note to let you know how much I have enjoyed the Bible Truths Course. It was an Excellent Material and it was thoroughly enjoyable. |
132. A
Subscriber of our Anointing Magazine writes: |
133. A
Subscriber of our Anointing Magazine writes: |
134. A B.D.
student writes: |
A Pastor who
attended the Seminar writes: |
A Pastor who
attended the Seminar writes: |
A Pastor who
attended the Seminar writes: |
138. A Subscriber of our Daily Meditation writes: Thank you for your message. I am very interested in reading magazine please do send daily. |
139. A Pastor in Christian City Church writes: |
140. A subscriber of our
Daily Meditation writes: Thank you for your beautiful daily Devotions which is useful in my personal life. |
141. A D.D. Student
Writes: I feel that it is a great Privilege for me to get a D.D. Degree in this age, and I feel that God has opened a Channel of Blessing for me through this Institution. Once again, I would like to extend my gratitude to you. |
142. An M.Th. Student Writes: The questions put forward by the Institute helped me a lot in understanding the Bible in depth. Mostly questions on Gospels and Proverbs were very interesting. The pattern of questions were very specific for the answers. I enjoyed writing answers to each and every question very much. |
143. An M.Th. Student from Ethiopia writes: |
![]() Thank you and God Bless your Ministry, For you have made Biblical Educations ACCESS to almost every interested individual around the globe. I have heard about your esteemed institution and planned to start my education. God Bless You |
145. A Pastor writes: |
146. A
D.Min. Student Writes: Thank you so much for giving me this opportunities and privileges to study D.Min. in your Institution. I hope by doing so, God will equip me to do his Service with better understanding and knowledge. |
147. A Subscriber of our Magazine writes: |
148.A Pastor who attended the IICM Conference writes: |
149. A D.D. Student writes: |
150. A D.Min. Student Writes: |
151. A Pastor from Associated Christ Gospel writes: |
152. A Visitor of our Website writes: |
153. A
D.Min. Student writes: Thank you so much for giving me this opportunities and privilege to study D.Min. in your Institution. I hope by doing so, God will equip me to do his Service with better understanding and knowledge. |
154. A Visitor of our Website writes: |
155. A
Prospective Student of IICM writes: Thank you and God Bless your Ministry, For you have made Biblical Educations ACCESS to almost every interested individual around the globe. I have heard about your esteemed institution and planned to start my education. God Bless You. |
156. Director of
Vision Advance Mission writes: We are Robert and Joyce Ricciardelli. We are Market place servants of Jesus Christ Although we have a local church. We will happy to be of any help to your ministry. |
157. A
Prospective student of IICM writes: I like to do B.Th through correspondence and would like to have your application form and registration fee etc.. for a B Th. course. |
Founder/President of Biblos International Evangelical Seminary, England writes: Dear Dr. Williams, Warmest Greetings in our Lord's precious Name. With great sincerity, mere mortal words are inadequate to express the sheer joy I experienced when I visited your website last evening. Indeed, the whole website seemed to be full of joy, worship, and more importantly - anointing!. |
159. A D.Min. student from
New York writes: I spent some considerable time viewing every aspect of the excellent site, which brought me great blessing. Having visited your Faculty/Adjunct Faculty Link I feel led to contact you to convey my interest in IICM Bible College as a whole. I thank God for this opportunity I got to study the Word of God. I always wanted to do this, but never had a chance to attend Bible Colleges due to my other commitments. This unique opportunity you provided fulfilled my dreams. Your program will help so many others to accomplish their goals in life and prepare them for the ministry. |
One of the Subscriber of our Anointing Magazine writes: Thanks a billion for your faith uplifting and inspiring magazine, "Anointing", which I have been receiving regularly over the internet. Most theologians address their thoughts to other theologians but the "Anointing" magazine is addressed to common people like me. |
161. One of the Subscriber
of our Anointing Magazine writes: I am proud of your college because it will help me indeed for personal enrichment, my ministry, church and the community around me. |
One of our Ordained Pastor of IICM writes: I have great zeal to bring nearly hundreds of people gathering to worship God in our prayer hall. I had been ordained as a pastor by IICM on 17.01.03. I am blessed and led many hearts into the salvation through the ordination I received. |
163. An M.Min. student
of IICM writes: I would like to thank our President especially for these topical books; a great treasure of knowledge is stored in these books. |
164. An M.C.L. student of IICM
from Trinidad & Tobago I just finished my first course, Biblical Principles on Giving. The book on the subject was very revealing and challenged me to place greater emphasis on my giving. |
165. The
Pastor of Calvary Telugu Church writes: It is really a great joy for me to see your website and to know about your ministries. I am very much interested in joining with you and your organization, and to have a share in your ministries in the days to come. |
165. One
of the Pastor from Wings of Victory Church Inc., writes: The Course offerings are wonderful. Continue the great work God has set before you. God Bless |
166. One of the subscribers
of our Anointing Magazine from Thailand, writes: I am so thankful for the past articles that were written by Dr. John Williams. It was really a great blessing for my spiritual life. I pray that this ministry will continue to grow and be a blessing to everyone. |
167. A Pastor from
London, writes: I am impressed by what the Lord is doing in your ministry, and I would like to be a part of it. Please show me how I can be a part. |
168. An M.Th. student from Nepal, writes: Courses by Dr. John Williams are very excellent, easy and practical it has helped me a lot in growing in the Christian life. |
169. One of our Subscriber
of our Daily Meditation from Bangalore, India writes: I have received your email message. It is awesome. I appreciate your good works. Be Blessed. |
170. A Rep. of IICM from
Oman writes: I am thankful to Dr. John Williams in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, for giving me this opportunity to spread the Word of God through his ministry recruiting students. I believe firmly, that who comes out from this ministry will be an asset to spread the Gospel. |
171. An M.C.L. student from
Trinidad writes: I wish to inform you that I am really enjoying these courses. They are very practical, educational and conducive to study. |
172. One of the Subscriber
of our Daily Meditation writes: Thanks for sharing to us this very important insight about Judging Others. May God bless you and continue the good work for the Lord |
173. A B.Min. student from
Nagaland writes: I am serving as a pastor in Baptist Church in Nagaland. And I would like to inform you that how much I am satisfied by undertaking the courses offered by you. I noticed many new things which will be helping in the ministry. The course was a lot more encouraging to me. |
174. An MCL student from
Ethiopia writes: Thank you for the burden the Lord gave to you. You are one of divine instrument to expand and strengthen the Kingdom of God. It is my prayer for the hands of the Lord to strengthen you and your ministry. |
175. A Prospective Student
of IICM writes: Your Ministry is so wonderful and amazing to know, how you bring to the people of God an opportunity to be successful in the work of God. |
176. An M.Min. Student
from Delhi writes: I am thankful to God for this Mercy and Blessings to accomplish this M.Min. Course in due time. I am not sure how to thank the Institution and all God's Servants who were involved in my tow years Course. Yet, I would like to extend my heartiest thank to all in the name of our Almighty Lord Jesus Christ. I am really benefited through this Course and helped me to share the Word of Lord and help the needy. |
177. An M.Div. Student
from West Bengal writes: The Course had been a true blessing for me and I would like to thank IICM staff who helped me whenever I needed. |
178. An M.Min.
Student from New Delhi writes: I am thankful to God for this mercy and blessings to accomplish this M.Min. Course in due time. I am not sure how to thank the Institution and all God's people who were involved in my two years course. Yet, I would like to extend my heartiest thank to all in the name of our Almighty Lord Jesus Christ. I am really benefited through this course and helped me to share the Word of Lord and help the needy. |
179. An Adjunct
Faculty of IICM from Tamil Nadu writes: I attended the IICM Special Meeting for International Ministry on 12.9.2005, at IICM Head Quarters, Ruby Tower. It was a revelation for all of us. I used to admire your efficiency and ability in establishing IICM. |
180. An M.Div.
Student from Sierra Leone writes: I have been really challenged by this short course. I have made some quality decision towards applying this revelation to my life. I am also planning to teach it in our weekly Bible studies. Thank you very much for your help. |
181. One of our
Prospective Student writes: I came to your site looking for an opportunity to learn more about the Lord's word. I am a computer engineer, using my expertise in His Ministry. I am working in a church helping in IT Management. Since I am in a professional line, I am unable to attend a regular Bible College. Thanks for this great service which is just right for me. |
182. One of our
Student Delegate writes who attended our February 2006 conference in
Chennai writes: I was richly anointed by the Holy Spirit, which helps me to be very powerful and effective in my ministry. |
183. An M.Th.
Student from Switzerland writes: I read your book on "Divine Prosperity" which I think is excellent, very precise and short to the point. |
184. A Th.D.
Student from Malaysia writes: The book is well written and is easy to read. It gives the reader an overview of what the "Wisdom of God" is and what is not. |
185. An Ph.D.
Student from Ethiopia writes: I am very much moved with the books titled "Biblical principles of Giving", "The Power of God" you sent me while I was working for my MCL Degree. I am interested in translating them to Amharic my official language and make a preparatory work to start your ministry here in Ethiopia. |
186. One of our
Prospective Students writes: Last day while I was searching in internet I happened to see your website. I was very much delighted by seeing your vision and objectives of IICM. I am also looking for a proper person to guide me in my ministry . Let me introduce myself, I am Sibu John working as a Mechanical Engineer in an MNC in Chennai. Coming to my Spiritual back ground, I was born and brought up in a traditional orthodox family ,but later by God's Grace I accepted Jesus as my savior and baptized in water and spirit. Not only me a lot of youth people from my locality also baptized. So we decided to form an independent church (in Kerala, my native place) and last month we registered the church as a Trust by the name "Beulah Christian Church". |
187. A Th.D
Student from Kerala, writes: The Books authored by Rev. Dr. John Williams, are so simple and lovely in language. I got many new ideas and made even new messages out of it. When I was reading these books I was guided to stop reading and pray with tears. So lovely. Thank you so much. This is my prayer that the Lord may use you to write more books for the glory of God. My heartfelt appreciations and applauses to you my lovely teacher. |
188. A D.D
Student/Bishop from Sri Lanka writes: I am extremely impressed at your books. I know there is power in them to set the captives free, and to teach wisdom to the ignorant. I am overjoyed at your teaching as they are teaching the Dynamic, Liberating WORD rather than about the WORD. |
189. A B.Th. Student
from India writes as follows: |
190. A Ph.D. Student from Kenya writes as follows: |
Thanks so much for the reading materials. I wish to thank Dr. Williams for these beautiful teachings. God bless the IICM family. Pass my love to Dr. Williams and every faithful believer. I have started reading the Giving Book. It is so full of PRECIOUS SECRETS: secrets of Living in Abundance, spiritually, emotionally, physically and socially. Yes, am in the RIGHT INSTITUTION. I will do all the courses at IICM, because they are spiritually edifying. God bless. |